The large building with a balcony on the front part of the cliff was used for the monks’ cells and for housing guests. It dates from 1840.El monasterio de Sumela (en turco: Sümela Manastırı; griego: Μονή Παναγίας Σουμελά, es decir el monasterio de la Panagia («Toda Santa», el nombre griego de la Virgen María) en el monte Melá) es un monasterio griego ortodoxo, a los pies de un acantilado, a 1200 MSL frente al valle de Altındere.
Fue fundado en el año 386 d. C. durante el reinado del emperador Teodosio I (375-395). La leyenda cuenta que dos sacerdotes emprendieron la fundación del monasterio en este sitio después de haber descubierto un icono milagroso de la Virgen María en una cueva en la montaña.
Durante su larga historia, el monasterio cayó en ruina en varias ocasiones y fue restaurado por varios emperadores. Durante el siglo VI d. C., fue restaurado y ampliado por el general Belisario por orden de Justiniano.
El Monasterio de Sumela fue un centro importante en la cristianización de la región. Este monasterio contaba con capillas, panadería, biblioteca, comedor y habitaciones. Un acueducto importante suministraba las instalaciones, el cual se puede ver aun hoy en día.
The large aqueduct at the entrance, which supplied water to the Monastery, is constructed against the side of the cliff. The aqueduct has many arches which have mostly been restored.Llegó a su actual forma en el siglo XIV después de ganar importancia durante el reinado de Alejo III (1349-1390) del Imperio de Trebisonda (establecido en 1204). En ese momento, el monasterio fue concedido con un monto anual de los fondos imperiales. Durante la época de Manuel III, el hijo de Alejo III, y durante los reinados de los príncipes posteriores, Sumela adquirió aún más riqueza con las donaciones imperiales. Después de la conquista por el sultán otomano Mehmed II en 1461, se le concedió la protección por orden del sultán y los derechos y privilegios que fueron renovados por los sultanes siguientes. Los monjes y viajeros siguieron visitándolo a través de los años, el monasterio fue muy popular hasta el siglo XIX.
En 1682 la escuela de Trebisonda, una conocida institución educativa griega de la región.
El monasterio fue capturado por el Imperio ruso durante la ocupación de Trebisonda en la años 1916-1918. El sitio fue finalmente abandonado en 1923, después de un intercambio forzoso de población entre Grecia y Turquía. A los monjes deportados no se les permitió llevarse propiedad alguna, por lo que enterraron un famoso icono de Sumela bajo el suelo de la capilla de Santa Bárbara. En 1930 un monje volvió secretamente a Sumela y recuperó el icono, transfiriéndolo al nuevo Monasterio de Panagia de Soumela, en las laderas del Monte Vermion, cerca de la ciudad Griega de Naousa, en Macedonia.
Hoy la principal función del monasterio es la atracción turística. Su sitio con vistas a bosques y el profundo valle, hacen que sea muy popular por su atractivo estético, así como por su significado cultural y religioso.
El estado de deterioro y vandalismo durante ocho décadas en el siglo pasado es visible, no obstante ello, en la actualidad se están llevando a cabo trabajos de restauración.
Fuente: Wikipedia
The Sumela Monastery (Turkish: Sümela Manastırı) is a Greek Orthodox monastery dedicated to the Virgin Mary at Melá Mountain within the Pontic Mountains range, in the Maçka district of Trabzon Province in modern Turkey. Nestled in a steep cliff at an altitude of about 1,200 metres (3,900 ft) facing the Altındere valley, it is a site of great historical and cultural significance, as well as a major tourist attraction within Altındere National Park.The principal elements of the Monastery complex are the Rock Church, several chapels, kitchens, student rooms, a guesthouse, a library, and a sacred spring revered by Eastern Orthodox Christians.The large building with a balcony on the front part of the cliff was used for the monks’ cells and for housing guests. It dates from 1840.
The entrance to the Monastery leads up a long and narrow stairway. There is a guard-room next to the entrance. The stairs lead down from there to the inner courtyard. On the left, in front of a cave, there are several monastery buildings. The cave, which was converted into a church, constitutes the center of the monastery. The library is to the right.The main subject of the frescoes are biblical scenes telling the story of Christ and the Virgin Mary.The main subject of the frescoes are biblical scenes telling the story of Christ and the Virgin Mary.The inner and outer walls of the Rock Church and the walls of the adjacent chapel are decorated with frescoes. Frescoes dating from the era of Alexios III of Trebizond line the inner wall of the Rock Church facing the courtyard. The frescoes of the chapel which were painted on three levels in three different periods are dated to the beginning of the 18th century. The frescoes of the bottom band are of superior quality.The inner and outer walls of the Rock Church and the walls of the adjacent chapel are decorated with frescoes. Frescoes dating from the era of Alexios III of Trebizond line the inner wall of the Rock Church facing the courtyard. The frescoes of the chapel which were painted on three levels in three different periods are dated to the beginning of the 18th century. The frescoes of the bottom band are of superior quality.The entrance to the Monastery leads up a long and narrow stairway. There is a guard-room next to the entrance. The stairs lead down from there to the inner courtyard. On the left, in front of a cave, there are several monastery buildings. The cave, which was converted into a church, constitutes the center of the monastery. The library is to the right.The inner and outer walls of the Rock Church and the walls of the adjacent chapel are decorated with frescoes. Frescoes dating from the era of Alexios III of Trebizond line the inner wall of the Rock Church facing the courtyard. The frescoes of the chapel which were painted on three levels in three different periods are dated to the beginning of the 18th century. The frescoes of the bottom band are of superior quality.The entrance to the Monastery leads up a long and narrow stairway. There is a guard-room next to the entrance. The stairs lead down from there to the inner courtyard. On the left, in front of a cave, there are several monastery buildings. The cave, which was converted into a church, constitutes the center of the monastery. The library is to the right.The entrance to the Monastery leads up a long and narrow stairway. There is a guard-room next to the entrance. The stairs lead down from there to the inner courtyard. On the left, in front of a cave, there are several monastery buildings. The cave, which was converted into a church, constitutes the center of the monastery. The library is to the right.Looking down to the valley.
The inner and outer walls of the Rock Church and the walls of the adjacent chapel are decorated with frescoes. Frescoes dating from the era of Alexios III of Trebizond line the inner wall of the Rock Church facing the courtyard. The frescoes of the chapel which were painted on three levels in three different periods are dated to the beginning of the 18th century. The frescoes of the bottom band are of superior quality.
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