cuyo esplendor, que aun se puede ver, resale al Siglo XIII DC y como arquitectónicamente demostrado, es un legajo de la dinastía Selyucida.
No podía dejar pasar por alto el visitar esta ciudad que fue un importantísimo centro urbano en Anatolia y si bien la he solo visitado de forma superficial, (quedaría mucho mas aun por ver) me ha impresionado su dimensión histórica.

Build in 1271 is currently being restored and is planned to function as an Seljuk Museum.

Build in 1271 is currently being restored and is planned to function as an Seljuk Museum.

Madras’s where / are schools. Pupils studies there Calligraphy, Astronomie, Mathematics, Philosophy and of course religion, Islam, as well.

Madras’s where / are schools. Pupils studies there Calligraphy, Astronomie, Mathematics, Philosophy and of course religion, Islam, as well.

Madrassah’s where / are schools. Pupils studies there Calligraphy, Astronomie, Mathematics, Philosophy and of course religion, Islam, as well.

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