TAG 156 – Auf und Ab.
» » TAG 156 – Auf und Ab.

TAG 156 – Auf und Ab.

eingetragen in: Azerbaijan, Fotos, Tagebuch | 0

Probably, it was de car number 114 who honk me on this day, and 3 hours left until noon.
Probably, it was de car number 114 who honk me on this day, and 3 hours left until noon.
Manchmal, nur die Tatsache das Du pedallierst, dass Du dich anstrengst, hilft Dir, anderes zu vergessen. Im Bergauf Modus, schalten einige Mechanismen ab. Andere drohen zu kollabieren. Zu den ersten gehört das Denken, zu den zweiten schon mal das Atmen.
Dieses erfährt jeder Veloreisender gleichermassen. Und aber, desto größer die Hürden, um so grösser die Belohnung bei erreichen des Zieles. Nahezu wie im wahren Leben.

Nehme ich einmal von der Strecke am Fusse des grossen Kaukasus abschied, wird die Landschaft zunehmend karger is hin zur Wüste. Dieses erfordert auch eine andere Planung und Logistik. Gestartet wird nun ausnahmslos am Morgengrauen, Paussiert zwischen Mittag und 3 oder 4 Uhr Nachmittags um dann noch am späten Abend noch bis zu 30 Km zu fahren.

Backgammon, Tavla, seems to be called Nerd in Azerbaijan, and the rules are quite different.
Backgammon, Tavla, seems to be called Nerd in Azerbaijan, and the rules are quite different.
max weight allowed? what is this?
max weight allowed? what is this?
we where both tired, but i felt stronger to hold him in my arms.
we where both tired, but i felt stronger to hold him in my arms.
if your mother wouldn't be so nice to take a picture of us, probably we would had shoot a selfie.
if your mother wouldn’t be so nice to take a picture of us, probably we would had shoot a selfie.
Small talk with locals.
Small talk with locals.
Azerbaijan, OK, yes, its Disneyland everywhere. When a country tries to get his lost history back, sometimes it's just bizarre and a matter of good or bad taste.
Azerbaijan, OK, yes, its Disneyland everywhere. When a country tries to get his lost history back, sometimes it’s just bizarre and a matter of good or bad taste.
max weight allowed? what is this?
max weight allowed? what is this?
you can choose your singing lamb live and you would get it fresh envolved in cellophane minutes later.
you can choose your singing lamb live and you would get it fresh envolved in cellophane minutes later.
ups and downs on the eastern Caucasus. Azerbaijan
ups and downs on the eastern Caucasus. Azerbaijan
Probably, it was de car number 114 who honk me on this day, and 3 hours left until noon.
Probably, it was de car number 114 who honk me on this day, and 3 hours left until noon.
The eastern Caucasus.
The eastern Caucasus.
Crossing the desert in the eastern Caucasus.
Crossing the desert in the eastern Caucasus.
Midle of nowhere. Amusement Park called Qobuland. Probably the most photographed spot in the area.
Midle of nowhere. Amusement Park called Qobuland. Probably the most photographed spot in the area.

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