Köszönjük! - Thank You! – Muchas Gracias – Vielen Dank! – Спасибо вам большое! – çok teşekkür ederim! – çox təşəkkür edirəm! – დიდი მადლობა! – көп рақмет! – Kiitos! - Rahmat!
... de una u otra forma me confortaron el viaje. Los que con dos risas me han dado fuerzas, con palabras aliento y con el mero hecho de estar presentes me protegieron. Son aquellos que se ven en las fotos y son aquellos que no salieron. Aquellos que me cruzaron por las rutas y aquellos que virtualmente me siguieron.
Es un pequeño reconocimiento y hacer presente, que están vivos en mi memoria, ya sea por recordar el mail que me mandaron ,el "like" que me dieran en algún portal, la taza de té ofrecida, la levantada de mano al pasar, el chiflido y hasta ese molesto bocinazo.
Todos esos actos te hacen sentir que estás vivo.
Es un gracias a todos aquellos que me dieron la posibilidad de contarles algo mío, que me pusieron la espalda, la oreja o una mirada, para apuntalarme, oírme o mostrarles algo.
Cada persona que se cruzó en mi camino no fué por casualidad, sinó fué parte del destino. En el momento justo, con un fin bien definido.
No he encontrado, en todos estos 11 países persona maliciosa alguna, quien quisiera aprovecharse de mi fragilidad como cicloviajero, como persona.
Gracias a todos, por haberme hecho entender, que el mundo es mayormente bueno y cuanto mas simple la gente, mas grande su corazón. Gracias por haberme ayudado a cementar mi falta de prejuicios, y gracias por simplemente estar.
Thank You! – Muchas Gracias – Vielen Dank! – Спасибо вам большое! – çok teşekkür ederim! – çox təşəkkür edirəm! – დიდი მადლობა! – көп рақмет! –
- Daniel, the inspired Romanian _Spanish cyclist and my tour guide in Constanta and his lovely sister. (sorry forgot the name)
- With Yoyo from Taiwan, we meet the first time yesterday, escaping from a rain shower in the Rose Valley.
- Another bicycle traveller from Sweden heading China meet at the Camp Site. Ann Johansson. Follow her Blog: www.thethickwhiteline.com
- with Yenal and Sait at Sereflikochisar. Both where extrem kind. Sait owns a little market and he don’t let me pay anything. He ordered as well a lunch for me at a delivery service. It was amazing and had no words for such big gratitude. Yenal also, he went home to take his car and lead me after lunch through the city until a Hotel to rest today. Incredible friendly everyone. Thanks indeed.
- Mesut, the unknown cyclist riding in opposite direction. We hold just a small talk in german but it was nice.
- I was invited by this women to a meal. They managed a cooperative for women of the village baking bread and offering catering, etc
- After totally 1190 meter climbs, 100 km, i finally arrived to Eminönü in Istanbul. Yilmaz, a cyclist from Istanbul lead me safe through the city and traffic until the ferry boat. Thank you Yilmaz
- After the Ifta Dinner in Ramadan, we, Orly from Israel and me, met this nice family of Trabzon and had a nice time together.
- Mathias, a Berliner cyclist from Freiburg in Germany pedalling with me together. His Goal: reach New Zealand, (www.projekt-akaroa.de)
- Free walking Tour with „BAG-BAKU“, they did a great job. I could meet people from: Belgium, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Philippines, Bulgaria, Wales, Azerbaijan, Iran, Germany, USA. Most of them students but travellers as well. We had a really great evening and night together.
- Goverland.com Team (SOnja and Herbert) Vs Bike 4 Happiness. More about our story on fecebook.com/bike4happiness
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